Wednesday, March 25, 2009

G - MCAS 9 Due 03/31

Due to Pride Week, the homework due 03/25 (PRA #03) will be due on 03/31.

E - Honors Precalculus Due 03/27

Reminder: We will meet in the cafeteria on Tuesday, March 31st.

Due Friday, March 27: Trig Test & presentations will continue

F - MCAS 9 Due 03/27

Reminder: We will meet in Room 113 on Tuesday, March 31st.

Due Friday, March 27: Patterns, Relations, and Algebra Packet #03

D - Honors Precalculus Due 03/30

No class on 03/26 due to pride week

For Monday,
1. Trigonometry test
2. Trig Presentations

B - MCAS 9 Due 03/26

1. Complete Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Packets
2. DSP Test

A - Honors Precalculus Due 03/26

1. Trig Test
2. Presentations continue

Friday, March 20, 2009

E - Honors Precalculus Due 03/23

Finish pages 344-347 #4, 8, 28, 32, 57-64, 70, 79, 80, 82, 84, 88, 112, 114, 160, 162

Thursday, March 12, 2009

D - Honors Precalculus Due 03/16


Upcoming important dates:
1. Weather project due 3/20
2. Trig test during the week of 3/23

B - MCAS 9 Due 03/16


A - Honors Precalculus Due 03/16


Upcoming important dates:
1. Presentations start 3/20
2. Weather project due 3/20
3. Trig test during the week of 3/23

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

G - MCAS 9 Due 03/13


F - MCAS 9 Due 03/13

No official homework, but it is recommended that you practice solving equations in preparation for Fridays finish of BINGO.

E - Honors Precalculus Due 03/13

1. You will have 15 minutes to finish prepping for your presentations. Presentations will continue on Tuesday.

2. Your project on average temperatures is due on Thursday, March 19.

3. Upcoming Trig test on Monday, March 23.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

D - Honors Precalculus Due 03/12

1. Start work on your sine equations representing your data.

2. Pages 328-329 #16-26 even, 48-56 even, 60, 64, 84 (to be graded according to AE #2)

B - MCAS 9 Due 03/12

1. Finish Patterns, Relations, and Algebra Packet 2
2. Solving Equations Packet (No online version available - was handed out in class):
  • Page 88 #9, 15, 21, 27
  • Page 91 #11, 15, 19, 23
  • Page 99 #4, 8, 12, 15

A - Honors Precalculus Due 03/12

1. Start work on your sine equations representing your data.
2. Pages 328-329 #16-26 even, 48-56 even, 60, 64, 84 (to be graded according to AE #2)

Monday, March 9, 2009

G - MCAS 9 Due 03/11

Solving Equations Packet (No online version available - was handed out in class):
Page 88 #9, 15, 21, 27
Page 91 #11, 15, 19, 23
Page 99 #4, 8, 12, 15

E - Honors Precalculus Due 03/11

All Groups Do Page 337 #17-20. In addition,
Group 1 - #21, 28, 36
Group 2 - #22, 29, 37
Group 3 - #23, 30, 38
Group 4 - #24, 31, 39
Group 5 - #25, 32, 40
Group 6 - #26, 34, 41
Group 7 - #27, 35, 42
Group 8 - #33, 43

F - MCAS 9 Due 03/11


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

D - Honors Precalculus Due 03/06

1. Page 327-328 #1-9, 29-46

2. I will be collecting the average high and average low temperatures for your city.

B - MCAS 9 Due 03/06

Patterns, Relations, and Algebra Packet #1 #33, 36, 37. I will be collecting the packet on Friday, so make sure all of the problems have been completed.

A - Honors Precaculus Due 03/06

1. Page 328 #29-46
2. I will be collecting the average high and average low temperatures for your city.